
Various api endpoints to fetch ERC20-related token information.

Fetch wrapped token address

Each native token on a specific network has a wrapped version that can be used. We keep a mapping of every wrapped token version of the native token on a chain. The return value of the function is of type TokenInformation.

import defihub from "@decentri.fi/defi-hub";

const wrappedToken: TokenInformation = await defihub.erc20().wrapped("ETHEREUM")

Fetch ERC20 Token Information

Fetch the information of an erc20 token. The return value of the function is of type TokenInformation.

import defihub from "@decentri.fi/defi-hub";

const token: TokenInformation = await defihub.erc20().info("0xc5102fe9359fd9a28f877a67e36b0f050d81a3cc");

Fetch Token Balance for user

import defihub from "@decentri.fi/defi-hub";

const token: TokenInformation = await defihub.erc20().info("0xc5102fe9359fd9a28f877a67e36b0f050d81a3cc");
const balance = token.balanceOf("0x715beae184768766c65d8ed4aa6d1f6893efb542");

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